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Couples Counseling

Our intimate relationships are often the most important relationships in our lives. We are hard wired to be connected, and when our relationship feels threatened or disconnected, we can begin to feel unsafe with or distant from that most important person in our lives. It’s a confusing ball of frustration and longing that we often need help to navigate. EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) is an attachment oriented therapy that helps us to reestablish the connection we once had or have always longed for, by helping us make sense of and improve the difficult dance of lasting love and security with our intimate partner.

  • Are you struggling to communicate with honesty or with respect?
  • Has there been a betrayal of trust?
  • Do you live more like roommates than lovers?
  • Do you feel isolated and alone?
  • Do you both genuinely want to improve your relationship?

What if you could have the relationship you’ve always craved? Whether your relationship feels wrought with anger, misunderstanding and volatility, or silent tension and deafening distance, there is a very good reason that you find yourselves locked in this cycle while longing for closeness. EFT is a powerful tool to help couples improve their relationship.

According to A substantial body of research exists on effectiveness of EFT for couples. This research shows stable results over time. EFT is used successfully with many different couples in various therapeutic settings. Preliminary research exists for couples dealing with depression, with anxiety resulting from trauma, with medical illness and with forgiveness dilemmas. EFT is used with varied cultural groups and demographic levels across the globe, and it is used with traditional and non-traditional couples, including same-sex couples.

The goals of EFT Goals:

  • To understand and re-organize key emotional responses, leading to a better understanding of self.
  • To create a positive shift in partners stuck patterns.
  • To facilitate or re-establish a secure bond between partners.

If this speaks to you and you want to feel secure and connected again with your partner, EFT may be the solution. When you’re ready to move forward, we would love to hear from you. Call, email or use the contact us button below to set up a free consultation.